28 November 2009

The Exclusive Kingdom of God

Christian "statists" are an enigma to the Militant Pacifist.

In Paul Green's brief essay (linked in the posting title above), he points out just a few of the gross inconsistencies involved in Christian support of states.

Let us pray with specific purpose (as the great Apostle instructed) that the state may "leave us alone" - i.e., NOT for the state's prosperity, NOT for the state's success, NOT for the state's persistence, NOT for the state's glory, NOT for the state's victory in its wars, NOT even for the protection of the state's agents - let us pray that the state powers that be will "leave us alone" so that we may live a life of honesty, godliness and peace.

"I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour (Paul the Apostle to Saint Timothy, 1 Timothy 2:1-3)."

16 November 2009

The Hope of Victory

You can read Bob Murphy's excellent essay by clicking the link in the posting title above.

If you don't know what the "prisoner's dilemma" is, you can learn about it here.

05 October 2009

J.I. Packer on Reading the Bible


You can read Packer's musings by clicking on the link in the posting title above.

21 September 2009

Entropy Reloaded

I'm commenting over at Spurgeon's Cigar. You can read it by clicking the link on the posting title above.

20 August 2009

The jokes on you...if you believe the US Constitution guarantees ANYTHING!

The farce documented in the link in the posting title above should silence some of the crowd who want to crow about their imagined "rights" under the US constitution.

All this poor guy is guilty of is being an idiot. I'll bet that back in the government junior high school that he went to, some government paid teacher told him to take pride in the "rights" he had. The same "teacher" probably told him that his rights were guaranteed and protected by the government's constitution.

The fact that he's now going to be involuntarily "detained" and have two years of his life stolen from him by the institution that markets itself by claiming that it guarantees and protects his "rights" demonstrates the absurdity of even the smallest amount of faith, hope or trust in human governmental schemes.

For some reason, this has raised my Militantly Pacifistic blood pressure - and I'm not even a NY Giants fan.

An H.L. Menken quote is rolling around in my head...

"Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin to slit throats."

09 July 2009

Quagmire Exchange

As usual (well, sadly, he doesn't write regularly anymore), Charley Reese "nails" it.

17 June 2009

The "Bomb Iran" contingent's newfound concern for The Iranian People

For a lawyer, Mr. Greenwald has some really good points. I still find it hard to understand how anyone who is bombing you can be classified "friend."

08 June 2009

A Personal Message

“In the darkest depths of Mordor, I met a girl so fair…”

I can’t believe it’s been 24 years my fair one!

May our God bless us still - as we stumble together towards the New Jerusalem…

07 May 2009

13 March 2009

Science Is as Science Does

Yeah...click on the link in the posting title above...

10 March 2009

The Coming Evangelical Collapse

To read an interesting missive from the "Internet Monk," click the link in the posting title above.

19 February 2009

Bailout Blues

Enhance your understanding!

Click the link in the posting title above...

17 February 2009

Stimulus spelled out


I was in the process of drafting a post outlining my take on the stimulus package when I discovered that Vox Day has already done it.

Click the link in the posting title above to read a concise "Austrian School" (economic) analysis of the probable effects of the "stimulus."

Pity this young man...

I (the Militant Pacifist) thank God for an earthly father who discouraged me from enlisting in the military in my youthful naiveté.

Would to God that the young man who authored the article linked in the posting title above could have read Laurence Vance's "Letter to a Christian Young Man Regarding Joining the Military" years ago.

12 February 2009

The Ubiquity of Depravity

If you’ve never studied Dr. Stanley Milgram’s 1963 experiment in which he confirmed man’s inhumanity to man, you should check it out.

The ubiquity of depravity and the “banality of evil” was recently confirmed by Dr. Jerry Burger of Santa Clara University who replicated (a slightly modified version of) Milgram’s experiment.

Interestingly, the results of Dr. Burger’s experiment confirm Dr. Milgram’s results from forty-five years earlier.

What a reminder that the only hope for humanity is Jesus Christ!

06 February 2009

The Resurrection Paradigm

I made my second post over at Spurgeon's Cigar.

You can read it by clicking the link in the posting title above.

05 February 2009

The Christian and War

Professor Warford applies the plain words of Jesus and explains how "money changes everything"...click on the link in the posting title above.

Please do!

04 February 2009

Caesar and God in Context

Some very interesting perspective...click on the link in the posting title above...

29 January 2009

Why Does the World Feel Wrong?

Will Groves offers and interesting hypothesis for why the world feels so wrong.  

To read about it, click on the link in the posting title above.

28 January 2009


In chapter 4 of his book, Hurtling Toward Oblivion: A Logical Argument for the End of the Age (click link in the posting title above), Dr. Richard Swenson explains the startling phenomenon called "exponentiality." I highly recommend this little book, but only for the reader who is "not easily troubled."

As the YouTube video below demonstrates, humans must now deal with events with which they have no experience. The pretensions of central bankers, treasury secretaries and the wall street suit and tie crowd are amazing. The amount of lipstick being smeared onto the discredited Keynesian pig is astounding.

I refer the troubled viewer here here.

27 January 2009

Bush, Obama and the American State

I think Anthony is pretty much "spot-on" in his analysis. You can read it by clicking the link in the posting title above.

And...if you'd like to watch Dr. Paul attempt to use that ever-so-blunt instrument (logic) on some Keynesians, click here.

22 January 2009

Why I Am a Panarchist

Dr. Rozeff explains why he is a "Panarchist." You can read his explanation by clicking on the link in the posting title above.

14 January 2009

I hope I see you in heaven...

Click on the posting title above to read a letter from Martha Vaughan...